Referencies Industrial chimneys
During May and June 2010, we are providing a repair of two chimneys for Bratislavská teplárenská a.s. It concerns a demanding repair and improvement of a static scheme for 75 m high brick chimney, one of the two chimneys with the longest operation in Slovakia.
We are carrying out the 1st stage of modernization of a 192m high reinforced concrete chimney in Žilina heating plant.
Within the construction of a waste incineration plant in Myjava Hospital, which is delivered by a consortium of STAVIMEX and VERTICAL as a turnkey project, our company is building an area of flue gas exhaust system and delivers a system of three-component steel chimneys and flue-gas ducting.
Today, we have successfully completed and handed over an overhaul of 150m high desulfurization chimney.
In the last two months of 2009, we are carrying out repairs on chimneys for Handlovská energetika. It includes repair works, roofing and rehabilitation of a 120m high chimney within the premises of mine in Handlová and a common repair of a 60m high brick chimney in mine in Cígeľ.
Based on the winning the international tender, our company has started the reconstruction on the 150m high chimney at the unnamed energy company.
We have won the tender for demolition of a 70m high chimney located in the old paint shop in Volkswagen Bratislava.
On 12th October 2009, the members of the board of VERTICAL a.s. on the occasion of ending the last stage of an overall reconstruction of a +204m high chimney organized a ceremony where a commemorative plaque was handed over to the president of the company Ing. Senecký and members of senior management of MONDI SCP Ružomberok a.s.
On 20th September 2009, our company completed a total reconstruction and reduction of the 120m high steel chimney in CMR Púchov.
We are starting the last 7th stage of the overall reconstruction on the +204m high chimney in MONDI Ružomberok.