CRH (Slovakia), a.s., Rohožník – Complete Reconstruction of Reinforced-Concrete +130m PC2 Chimney, Stage I and II

On 31 January 2017, we completed – in compliance with the schedule – the first and second stage of a complete reconstruction of the reinforced-concrete PC2 +130.0m chimney of CRH Rohožník, a.s.

The first stage consisted of the following activities: 
  • Replacement of the original cast-iron head with a steel (austenitic) chromium-nickel head;
  • Remediation of a part of the original liner in the zone from +130 m to +115 m, and of a part of the original ash dump;
  • Remediation of cracks in the reinforced-concrete shaft from the inside on the exposed part of the shaft, in the zone from +130 m to + 115 m;
  • Remediation of surface defects in the reinforced concrete on the exposed part of the shaft, in the zone from +130 m to +115 m;
  • Remediation and stabilization of the remaining part of the original lining from +115 m up to approx. +3.00 m;
  • Production, supply and installation of the anti-corrosion ventilated, thermally insulated lining over the total effective chimney height.
