Company profile

VERTICAL INDUSTRIAL, a.s., is the leader in providing services in the field of specialized civil engineering works. We have been focusing on diagnostics, inspections, repairs and reconstruction works on high-rise buildings for 25 years. It mainly concerns industrial chimneys, cooling towers, silos, pipelines, steel structures and bridges. Our team is fully qualified to give you all the support you need and to solve your problem in a very short period of time.

 Nowadays, when "anyone can do anything and for free", we stick to our corporate and personal values which are:
  • expertise 
  • dedication 
  • personal approach
  • human approach

In short, we really like what we do and we do it with enthusiasm. We like meeting our customers personally and we do it often. Our business partners and colleagues are not only business people for us, but we see the people in them. And last but not least, we believe that we really understand the things that we offer, and we are continuously improving in it. 

Our extensive list of references and a list of satisfied customers show us that our approach to business and the fulfilment of our mission which reads: 

Providing benefits to our customers by a competent and personal approach.

is right and it should be applied further in the future.